Come, share the gifts of God with us,  

and serve the world together,



10 Farrand Street (at River),



Our congregation is located on the traditional territory of the Ojibwa of Anemki Wajiw (the Fort William First Nation), a signatory to the Robinson-Superior Treaty of 1850.


We invite you to be part of our community of grace and faith, active in Thunder Bay for the past 118  years. We seek to continue to be a place where people can grow in their understanding of God's forgiving love revealed through Jesus. Gathered in to worship, God's Spirit calls us out to share in word and action what it means to be people of God.


"Come share the gifts of God - serve the world"

Our Facebook page is 'Our Saviour's Thunder Bay'

Our  YouTube channel is Our Saviour's Lutheran Church of Thunder Bay.


Recorded Services:

Our services, are recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel.

New - March 23 - Third Sunday in March (Worship with the Band)

March 16 - Second Sunday in Lent (Holy Communion)

March 9 - First Sunday in Lent (Service of the Word)

March 2 - Transfiguration of Our Lord (Holy Communion)


To receive a copy of the monthly 'Ambassador' by email, please send a request to  

The text version of our March 2025 Newsletter is on the page 'Our Newsletter'. 

Deadline for April 2025 'Ambassador' articles:  Mar. 31.

What's Happening, March 24-30


9:00 - 2:30 p.m. ESL classes (M-F)

6:30 p.m. Cubs

8:30 p.m. Friendly A.A. Group


7:00 p.m. Rotary rental


6:30 p.m. TBay Carvers


10:30 a.m. LCC Chapel service, Hogarth

8:00 p.m. A.A. meeting


5:00 p.m. Rehearsal rental


Sunday - Fourth Sunday in Lent

10:30 a.m.  Service of the Word

11:15 a.m. Fellowship

Lenten Midweek Series

We are having a 3-week devotion and discussion series, Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 p.m., in the sanctuary:

-March 26, - hear about the changes of the food minstry of the Dew Drop Inn since COVID, one of our long-standing partners in ministry, including through our Forward in Mission Offerings;


-Apr. 2 – Peter Hinz; see and hear about his recent geological work in the Hawaii and in the Pacific, part of God's creation;

April 9 – learn about the plans for the Regional Food Distribution Association, the newest partner in ministry through Forward In Mission.

Come to all or as many as you are able. Bring a friend!

Together, we grow in faith.


We gather each Sunday at 10:30 a.m., celebrating Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month and festivals. In March we will share the sacrament on the 2nd and the 16th.

 Sunday, March 9 and 30 will be Service of the Word. 

  Worship with the Band returns on March 23.

   As we meet, we record the services. They are uploaded later on Sunday to our YouTube channel, ‘Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church of Thunder Bay’.  

 Closed captions are available on the video – corrections and song lyrics are added as time allows.

  Texts of the bulletin and sermon are also mailed out on Saturday: sign up for our enews: They are posted on our website on Saturday: .

Holy Communion at Our Saviour's

At the time of the sharing of Communion, all are invited to come up the centre aisle to the foot of the chancel steps to receive the bread and the wine/grape juice. Gluten-free wafers are available. After taking a glass, please go off to the side and drink. There is a receptacle for the used glasses as we go back to our seats via the side aisles. 

  If you are unable to come to the front, please tell the usher and the elements will be brought to you.  

 Those who do not receive Communion are welcome to come forward for a blessing.

  If watching online, when the presiding minister says, ‘The body and blood of Christ given and shed for you’, we welcome all to take and eat a piece of bread, and then to take a glass of wine or other beverage, remembering and giving thanks for the promises of grace, forgiveness, love, new life, and community given us in Christ Jesus.

 The Health Unit continues to recommend the wearing of masks in public areas when exposed to the corona virus or immunocompromised. 

The Congregational Council endorses this for those who wish to wear masks, and continues to make masks and hand sanitizer available in the front hall and Immanuel Hall.


Our Sunday School classes normally are twice monthly, on the first and third Sundays. Next session: April 6.

    The sessions, for children in JK – Gr. 6, begin downstairs in Immanuel Hall at 10:30 a.m. for Bible stories, crafts, and other activities. Then those in the class come up to share Holy Communion.

See Karen Bishop, co-ordinator, for more info.

 Activity sheets for each Sunday are available in the front hall and are also emailed on Thursday. To sign up for these:

  There are Adventure activity bags under the mailboxes inside the entrance to the sanctuary, for children to enjoy during worship. 

The next seasonal children's' activity pack, for Easter/Spring will be available at the beginning of April for pick-up  or drop off.


Food Collection 

Food donations received in the wicker basket in the front hall are being given to the Gathering Table’s food bank and to those in need. Thank you!

A message to the church from National, Synod Bishops on hope amid uncertain times

March 17, 2025

Dear members of the ELCIC,

We are writing to you today in the midst of uncertain and anxious times. Climate crisis, wars, famine, natural and climate related disasters… the list goes on. Added to it recently is the uncertainty that has arisen with the government of our southern neighbours. Threats of tariffs and of annexation have both created more anxiety and fueled a new sense of Canadian pride.

Into all of this God comes to us again with a message of hope. That these will not be the last days of our country. That this time of uncertainty will pass. That our neighbours to the south are also God’s beloved children. That this is God’s good creation.

We must be careful as a church not to fall into patterns of Christian nationalism that we see being manifested in other countries around the world. God’s call for us is to walk humbly as the baptized, loving our neighbour as ourselves. Right now that may feel hard to do.

Supporting Canadian products and taking pride in our country is wonderful, and we can do so while respecting and valuing our neighbours – many of whom are our family, friends and full communion partners.

In the meantime, let us pray together and for each other. Let us support and encourage one another. Let us not fall into despair. And let us hear again God’s promise to be with us until the end of the age.

Yours in Christ’s love,

Rev. Susan Johnson – National Bishop, ELCIC

Rev. Dr. Ali Tote – Bishop of the Saskatchewan Synod

Rev. Kathy Martin – Bishop of the British Columbia Synod

Rev. Jason Zinko – Bishop of the Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod

Rev. Patricia Schmermund – Bishop of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories

Rev. Carla Blakley – Bishop of the Eastern Synod

Fire at Grace-St. John's congregation, Carman MB

March 13, 2025

Dear Friends in Christ,
I received news this morning that there was a fire at Grace-St. John's Anglican/ Lutheran Church (Carman, MB) overnight. The entire building has been destroyed.

Grace-St. John's is a Christian community in the Anglican and Lutheran tradition, being served by MNO Synod Pr. Trudy Thorarinson. I am thankful for her pastoral presence and leadership in this time.

Please join me in praying for comfort and strength for this community as they grieve and process the loss of their building. As there are more concrete ways we can support them, I will share those.

God, our refuge and strength, you have bound us together in a common life.  In the midst of unexpected tragedy, draw us together in prayer, support, comfort and compassion. Guide leaders with wisdom, comfort those in distress, and grant us courage and hope to face the future; through Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord. Amen.

May the peace of Christ sustain this community through this time.

Yours in Christ’s service,
Bishop Jason Zinko

World Council of Churches: Ecumenical Prayer Cycle

The Ecumenical Prayer Cycle takes us through every region of the world over the course of a year. Praying for each place on earth and its people at least once a year, we affirm our solidarity with Christians all over the world, brothers and sisters living in diverse situations, experiencing diverse problems and sharing diverse gifts. Pray with us!

Prayer is at the very heart of the ecumenical movement. Jesus prayed that we – his followers – may all be one. When we pray with and for one another, we can feel God’s gift of unity. Prayer sustains us on our way towards a unity that all can see, “so that the world may believe”. (John 17:21)

The suggested prayer texts are based on the publication "Pilgrim Prayer – an Ecumenical Prayer Cycle". The book and the website offer valuable aids for intercessory prayers, prayer on behalf of and in solidarity with others.

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

23 - 29 March 2025

Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden

16 - 22 March 2025


Thank you for your offerings, sharing the gifts of God so that together we might serve the world!

During our worship, you are able to share your donations during the passing of the plates at the Offering.

Envelopes for your 2025 offerings are available. If you wish to receive a supply,  please contact the office, 344-1926,

At other times, and for those unable to attend worship, here are options:

1. Mail envelopes to the church

Mailing address: 10 Farrand St. Thunder Bay P7A 3H5

2. Drop envelopes off at church

You can drop off envelopes in the mailbox beside the parking lot doors. Calling to let us know, 344-1926, is appreciated, so that the offering can be brought inside as soon as possible.

3. E-Transfer online banking

a. If you use online banking, log into your account

b. Add Our Saviour’s as a recipient using our office email address:

c. Enter the desired amount and click ‘send’.

4. Sign up for Pre-Authorized Withdrawal (PAR)

You are able to have your monthly offerings directly deposited from your financial institution to that of the church. You can designate it 1-3 ways:  Weekly, Building, Forward in Mission. You also can receive undated envelopes for other offerings. To sign up, call the office. If you desire to make any changes at any time of the year, or if you have updates on your address or financial institution, please call the church office, 344-1926. 

5.  Canada Helps

Our regional synod office has set up Canada Helps button link, you can use to donate to congregations. The charitiable donation receipt will be issued by Canada Helps directly. (It is important to note that there is a cost to using Canada Helps as our donation service. Please considering adding 4% to your donation to cover these costs.)

Again, we are so thankful for your faithful generosity.